Alternative Medicine - Colorado Springs, CO
Alternative Medicine - Colorado Springs, CO
In our Colorado Springs alternative health center we have a resonant chamber for relaxation and de-stressing the body. We use frequencies, vibration, sound and light waves to bring the body back into balance from a world filled with chaos. Everyone has stress and trauma in their lives. It has become an epidemic and 90% of all visits to the doctor can be traced back to stress or trauma. Never before have we had so much stress. The environment, politics, the economy, families, children, jobs and the list goes on and on.
Our Sound Resonance Chamber offers deep relaxation for the body to reboot / reset. Sometimes the body is spinning with so much trauma and chaos it can’t get back to “normal”. Sitting in a resonant environment may help sync the cells (as has been demonstrated in many science experiments where coo-coo clock pendulums all start swinging in sync after being in a room together). The cells can reset and re-balance to encourage natural healing. When the body is in balance and relaxed it knows how to heal.
This is why meditation and yoga, just as two examples, work so well for people. People relax listening to music and getting a massage. Our Sound Resonance Chamber differs in that the “music” is not dissipating into the ether of a room or environment. It’s contained in the sacred geometry of the chamber.
Pain is a warning signal from the brain. To experience pain relief, the brain and autonomic nervous system must be satisfied that no warning is necessary. This Sound Resonance Chamber works with the body’s own energy coursing through the nervous system to calm and rebalance this energy. With this energy therapy, we have seen significant pain relief, a reduction in inflammation, and a general improvement in physical healing among clients.
It is clear that “hearing” is not restricted to the ears and light sensitivity to the eyes. The vibrations from music are enjoyed by the deaf by being picked up by their muscles and bones. The skin can bring nutrients to the body when exposed to light. The Chamber envelopes the body in light and sound, so the whole body can heal.
Sacred Space Therapeutics
459 Windchime Place
Colorado Springs, CO 80919
We are located in the lower parking lot of the Windchime Shopping Center, facing I-25.
Ignore your GPS!
For best access to the lower lot follow the main road through the cul-de-sac to the bottom of the hill and turn left. Our door is the first space right on the corner.
Copyright © 2020 Sacred Space Therapeutics - All Rights Reserved.
Sacred Space Therapeutics LLC is not affiliated with Harmonic Egg LLC
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